Coral reef spatial resilience: geo-ecological perspectives of coastal risks

Antoine Collin

  • Start  Wednesday 11 May 2022 4:00pm
  • Finish    Wednesday 11 May 2022 5:00pm
Antoine Collin outside CGEL
Antoine Collin, Founder of the Coastal GeoEcological Lab

Spatial resilience is crucial in worldwide coastal theatres facing sea-level rise, stormy wave / rainfall intensification, biodiversity erosion and human densification. Sound adaptation requires informed management fueled by spatially-explicit observations, hindcast and forecast models. A living, “thick and wide” coastal interface, hosting structurally- and functionally-rich complexity, has the great potential to absorb coastal risks. We will establish how to render the spatial complexity of temperate and tropical coasts through cutting-edge remote sensing. The dynamics of the spatial resilience will be modelled and simulated across those study areas. The adaptive capacity and connectivity of the coastal systems will be discussed in light of hazards and assets’ exposure and vulnerability. Perspectives will finally be integrated into a nexus of scientific prospects and artistic percepts / affects.


Antoine COLLIN is an Associate Professor at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE) within Université PSL (France). Founder of the Coastal GeoEcological Lab (Dinard, Brittany), he is a geospatial ecologist interested in interactions between coastal socio-ecosystems and their environment. Antoine’s experiences in University of Quebec, CRIOBE in French Polynesia and Tokyo Tech strenghtened his fondness to combine anthropocenic concepts and methods from benthic and wetland ecology, geomorphology, oceano-climatology, environmental socio-economy, remote sensing, as well as applied mathematics, statistics, complexity and art-science.

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