Farm Clusters for Delivery of Ecosystem Services: Lessons Learnt.

Alison Spencer

  • Start  Wednesday 28 Oct 2020 10:00am
  • Finish    Wednesday 28 Oct 2020 11:00am
  • Venue  Online
Alison at a conference
Alison Field is a professional forester and former Regional Director for the Forestry Commission South East England

Farm clusters are a powerful means of mobilising change on farmland across the country. But all farms and all farmers are different. What lessons can be drawn from working closely with landowners across the chalk landscapes of Hampshire?


Alison Field FRSA, FICFor is a professional forester and former Regional Director for the Forestry Commission South East England, with long experience in broadleaved forestry and adding value to forest products. Amongst her other accomplishments Alison now acts as Farm Facilitator for the Winchester to Test Farm Cluster, an area covering some 35,000 acres. Alison is also a Council Member of the Institute of Chartered Foresters and a Trustee of the National Forest.

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