Symposium Title: “Achieving nature positive: approaches, measures and critical perspectives”
EJ Milner-Gulland, Talitha Bromwich, Sophus Zu Ermgassen
- Start  Monday 24 Jul 2023 10:15am
- Finish Monday 24 Jul 2023 1:30pm
Symposium Abstract:
‘Nature positive’ – defined as halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030 against a 2020 baseline – is increasingly discussed as a goal for organizations and more broadly society. Achieving nature positive goals is critical if we hope to recover threatened species, maintain ecosystem services, mitigate and minimize the impact of climate change, while simultaneously addressing global economic and environmental inequities. However, realizing a nature positive society by 2030 or succeeding at an organizational level appears aspirational at best, and generates multiple questions including: 1) what is nature positive in practice, 2) how scalable are nature positive approaches, 3) what is the global policy context and how this has been translated nationally, 4) how do we measure progress towards nature positive, and 5) how do we ensure nature positive outcomes support transformative change and increase equity across society. Mainstreaming nature positive practices while increasing earth justice and preventing greenwash requires sustained engagement from the conservation sector.
We use this symposium to discuss these issues, examine some of the criticisms of nature positive, and consider a research and practice agenda for the concept, to maximize its contribution to achieving sustainable development goals and the 2050 vision for biodiversity.
Mon, July 24, 10:15 – 13:30 (Africa/Kigali time)
AD 12, Kigali Convention Centre
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