The Policy Engagement for Biodiversity: Synthesis Workshop
Interactive workshop
- Start  Wednesday 30 Jun 2021 10:00am
- Finish Wednesday 30 Jun 2021 1:00pm
Recent years have seen a significant step-change in attention to biodiversity as a political priority for governments worldwide. With the United Nations Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework and the UK Environment Bill on the horizon, this workshop will synthesise discussions from three recent seminars of the Biodiversity Network and background reviews on policy engagement for biodiversity at Oxford.
The small three-hour workshop for interested Oxford academics and students will focus on the production of one or more blog posts, exploring questions such as: What is the role of academic research in informing and scrutinising policy trajectories? How can academics from different disciplines and career stages more effectively engage with policymakers? With many interconnected social, economic, and technological dimensions to account for, what even is policy for biodiversity? And, where do we want it to go in future?
Booking deadline: 25th June 2021.
Contact for further information.
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