The Oxford Networks for the Environment (ONE) mobilise the University’s expertise in science, technology, business and society in relation to the environment. They enable Oxford to find solutions to the complex, converging challenges of energy, water, food security, climate change, and threats to biodiversity.
The Oxford Biodiversity Network is a network of researchers and practitioners in and around the University working on biodiversity. The network includes academics, senior researchers, students, and staff spanning multiple departments most notably Biology, Earth Sciences, and Geography, the Gardens, Libraries and Museums, and Wytham Woods Research Facility. It extends over more than 20 Departments and Institutes, supporting over 200 members. The Biodiversity Network seeks to highlight and integrate the range of biodiversity-related research and activities going on in Oxford, and to work closely with other Oxford Networks for the Environment (ONE) to contribute to the sustainability of the natural world.
Be a Biodiversity Volunteer
With so much biodiversity-related research being carried out around the University we thought it might be an idea to host a page on our website where students/researchers who would like to volunteer their time can match with those of you who need some help.
Volunteering opportunities can be anything you need help with, or have skills in and can range from helping out at an event, creating flyers, data crunching, or getting out in the field and doing some data collection.
We’ll list all the opportunities on this page, as well as links to profiles of people who are volunteering their time and expertise, with the idea you can contact each other directly.
Visit our volunteering page here to see how you can get involved
Whatever you’re looking for let us know here, and we’ll post your info on our volunteering page
If you would like to find out about volunteering opportunities outside of the University, but local to Oxford please visit the Oxford University Nature Conservation Society website here