Social Dimensions of Nature Recovery Across Oxfordshire

front cover of report
Front cover of report

This fourth workshop refines the social science research agenda of HERO and outlines the socio-economic and cultural barriers to effective change in the Nature Recovery Landscape. The session began with an overview, prepared by Connie McDermott and Mark Hirons, of the social science dimensions of HERO. Jamie Hartzell then presented the work done with Treescapes in mapping land ownership in Oxfordshire. These presentations highlighted the importance of understanding how land use governance, different systems of knowledge and values, and differences in people’s financial means and access to natural areas shape socio-ecological systems. Participants pursued this reflection in breakout rooms of 5, consolidating their input on Miro, an online whiteboard platform.

Seven themes emerged from this discussion surrounding socio-political governance challenges in HERO:

1. Identifying and gathering information

2. Building community engagement

3. Understanding stakeholder motivations

4. Mapping stakeholder perceptions

5. Power and ownership

6. Access and social justice

7. Well-being


Read the full report here

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