How to help wildlife thrive in our urban grasslands, verges and gardens
Buglife: Managing urban areas for pollinators
Buglife: Management of wildflower-rich grasslands for insects
Monmouthshire County Council ‘Nature isn’t Neat’ initiative (part of the Gwent Green Grid)
Biodiversity Wales: Planting for Pollinators
Wild Oxfordshire: Community Resources page. Includes signs to download (“Please don’t mow…”)
Long Mead’s Thames Valley Wildflower Meadow Restoration Project (TVWMRP)
Eynsham Nature Recovery Network (a network of people for nature)
Buglife: Managing road verges for pollinators
Plantlife: Managing grassland road verges
Wildlife Trusts: Managing Road Verges for Wildlife. Contains several case studies.
Lincolnshire Wildlife Trust: Lincolnshire’s Road Verges
Wildlife Trusts: Managing Road Verges for Wildlife. Contains several case studies.
Planting or sowing new meadows
Plantlife: Keeping the ‘Wild’ in wildflower
Flora Locale: Buying native flora. Advisory note (importance of using seeds of local plants)
Flora Locale: Obtaining native seed. Advisory note.
Flora Locale: Spreading hay. Advisory note on using green hay to seed new meadows.
Flora Locale: Flowers on the Verge: Planting on Countryside Road Verges
Hedgelink: Hedges in urban areas
Hedgelink: The Complete Hedge Good Management Guide
Buglife: Ancient and species-rich hedgerows
Managing urban areas for Butterflies
Butterfly Conservation: Building Sites for Butterflies programme
Butterfly Conservation: Big City Butterflies project
Wild London: Brilliant Butterflies partnership